Electricity suppliers into the deep water area

On December 21st, sponsored by the billion state power network, the network with 2016 Ebang future retail Conference on December 19th -21 in Guangzhou Baiyun Wanda Hilton Hotel held. Domestic and foreign well-known enterprises in the field of electricity supplier executives, experts and scholars, the media on behalf of a total of more than 2000 people attended.

Electricity supplier into the deep water area to solve the second half of the problem?

This session of the general assembly to the “new species and new business rules,” as the theme, including the main forum, two days of the five forums, electricity supplier manager night and horseshoe agency and other activities will be mad ebang. The concern is that at this meeting, the electricity supplier industry known as Alibaba, Jingdong, vip.com, Dangdang, Amazon and other faces did not appear, instead of all is the new generation of retail platform and brands camp, reflects the electricity supplier in the field is seeking breaking, looking for new growth industry mentality.

Over the past 6 years, China’s online retail has experienced explosive growth, the user’s spending habits gradually formed, gradually improve the commercial supporting system, the retail platform has become increasingly standardized. Electricity supplier can be described as the first half of China’s online retail has completed a huge accumulation of history, but also left a lot of problems to be solved:
Low price products to meet the needs of the majority of users of the shopping, a good user experience and service has become the focus of the major platforms need to focus on;
Commodity trading volume of astronomical growth, but the actual profits have let bosses have a headache;

Built on the basis of the flow of user stickiness is insufficient, brand loyalty can not be promoted;
Leave the capital driven enterprises this is not the only one not decide on what path to follow;
Oligopoly monopoly and Carnival continue to impact the vision, but not the entire online retail boom, the survival of small and medium business platform was suppressed.
As so many problems and contradictions in the process of Chinese online retail development more and more obvious, to solve these problems has become the electricity supplier’s mission in the second half. 2016, the electricity supplier into the deep water, China online retail urgent need to appear new species, new rules, new electricity supplier”.

This is the 2016 Ebang future retail conference and industry representatives to discuss issues. The first day of the main forum to “new species” as the keynote, billion state power network president and editor in chief Jia Penglei published a report entitled “deepwater area electricity supplier, electricity supplier should be what kind of” opening speech. Jia Penglei pointed out: “in the industry behind the false prosperity, under the pressure of super monopoly, it is more a breakthrough in the time of new species. The first half did not solve the problem, can only rely on new forces to complete.” Certainly the first half of the electricity supplier’s brilliant achievements, while leaving the electricity supplier for the second half of the key issues need to be resolved. Including ocean pier founder and CEO Ceng Bibo, babe network founder and CEO Zhang Lianglun, founder and CEO of daily and fresh, Xu Zhi Zhuo Li Jinling, President of the cross-border electricity supplier gathered in micro shop founder and CEO Xiao Shanglve, honey bud founder and CEO Liu Nan, flying technology loan finance chief strategy officer Meng Qingfeng, co-founder and business school network COO Li Zhiyin, the boss of electrical vice president Jiang Lingwei and other guests included dozens of “new species” business representatives around cross-border, fresh, maternal, logistics, retail, finance, the Internet community to discuss topics such as the rural market.
The main forum for second days on the second half of the main business “new rules”, FOTILE Electric Group senior vice president and general manager Li Tao, Mongolia, Criteo, micro Yuning Tao Chinese advertising area president Zheng Jiaqiang, Wangfujing group full channel Center Deputy General Manager Liu Chunji, Anna technology chief strategy officer Yang Ziyu, bit off the big data VP Li Xin and other guests in a speech.

The general assembly, the representatives of the enterprises jointly issued the future retail Guangzhou consensus, common voice to the industry. As a typical representative of new species, “four little dragons” surfaced, the babe network micro shop, daily, gathered and fresh, a lot of spell as the representative of a number of electricity providers, they are in the second half of the new trend and conform to the trend of the times under the background of new potential unicorn.







